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Elementare - Preposizioni 'in, at, on'

Lunedì, 08 Giugno 2009
I like swimming in the sea I like swimming in the sea People image created by Nikitabuida - Freepik.com

Lezione di grammatica inglese online per studenti di livello elementare - Una spiegazione di alcune preposizioni di luogo ed espressioni di tempo con audio ed esercizi stampabili.

1) We use the preposition in to indicate something physically inside a place.

  • See you in the classroom!
  • I like swimming in the sea.
  • We meet every day in that bar at ten o'clock.

2) We use the preposition on to indicate the position on a surface of something.

  • Your mobile is on the television.
  • There is an old big tree on the top of the hill.
  • I like surfing on the waves.

3) We use the preposition at to indicate a reference point.

  • See you at the Cinema Luxor.
  • The shop is at the top of the steps.
  • They have a little house at the end of the street.

Time Expressions

1) We use the preposition in for years, seasons, months and moments of the day.

in the twentieth century
the 1880s
spring/ summer
the morning/ the evening

- I usually go to Sardinia in the summer.
- They worked in a restaurant in 1998.

2) We use the preposition on for completed dates, days of the week, holiday days.

on 21 April
Christmas Day
Saturday night

- I often stay with my parents on Christmas Day.
- We usually play tennis on Sunday.

3) We use the preposition at for a reference point in time.

at six o'clock

- See you at ten o'clock near the school.
- What do you usually do at night?


In, at, on English Power (C) 2010
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Ultima modifica il Sabato, 24 Novembre 2018 16:08
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