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Esercizio 1 - Preposizioni di luogo

Giovedì, 13 Agosto 2009
I arrived _______________ the hotel yesterday. I arrived _______________ the hotel yesterday. Business image created by Javi_indy - Freepik.com

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare su alcune preposizioni di luogo. Metti la preposizione giusta negli spazi.

Remember, we say:
arrive in a town or a country
arrive at a place, for example, a cinema, a station, a hotel.


1) Your sunglasses are _______________ the table.


2) See you _______________ the Cinema Centrale.

3) I arrived _______________ the hotel yesterday.

4) The children are playing _______________ the street.

5) Their house is _______________ Main Street.

6) My mother was born _______________ Dublin.

7) She works _______________ the office.

8) My dog is _______________ the garden.

9) I meeting my husband _______________ the theatre.

10) The poster of David Beckham is _______________ the wall.

Letto 19657 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 25 Settembre 2017 12:42


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