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Esercizio 3 - In, at o on

Venerdì, 04 Settembre 2009
Example: Where is the lesson today? Example: Where is the lesson today? Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare su alcune preposizioni di luogo. Metti la giusta preposizione di tempo e luogo negli spazi.

1) A - Hello, where are you going to meet tonight?
B - _______________ the cinema.
A - _______________ what time?
B - _______________ 10 o'clock.


2) A - When is your wedding?
B - It's _______________ September. _______________  St.George Church.
A - What day?
B - It's _______________  Sunday. The 15th.
A - What time?
B - It starts _______________  9 o'clock.


3) A - Where is the Cinema Luxor?
B - It's _______________ Park Avenue.
A - Thanks.


4) A - Where is the lesson today?
B - It's _______________ the English classroom.
A - _______________ what time?
B - It's starts _______________ 8 o'clock.


5) A - Sorry, where are my books?
B - They are _______________ the table. _______________ the kitchen.
A - Thank you.

Letto 13994 volte
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 03 Maggio 2018 13:31


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