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Ordine degli aggettivi - Regole ed esercizi per livello intermedio

Martedì, 16 Marzo 2010
Example of adjective word order: an interesting, old book. Example of adjective word order: an interesting, old book. This image by unsplash.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Una panoramica sull'ordine degli aggettivi nella frase in inglese che spiega quali regole seguire nell'uso degli aggettivi con esempi ed esercizi. Questa lezione online di grammatica inglese è rivolta a studenti d'inglese a livello intermedio.

Nelle lezione di livello elementare degli 'aggettivi' abbiamo visto i tipi di aggettivi base e il word order degli aggettivi. La lezione immediata la costruiamo su questi fondamenti ripassando le basi del livello elementare e studiando l'uso del word order dell'aggettivo avanzato con esercizi stampabili.

We will often use more than one adjective to describe a noun:

  • an interesting, old book
  • long, blond hair

Adjectives can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Adjectives of opinion – what we think about something (nice, interesting, boring, ugly)
  2. Adjectives of fact – factual information about size, colour, age etc.

When using adjectives, we follow a particular order. Usually, adjectives of opinion come before adjectives of fact: a beautiful, young woman.

There are many different categories of fact adjectives. Some of the most common of these are:

  1. Size
  2. Age
  3. Colour
  4. Origin
  5. Material

If we wanted to make a sentence using all of these adjectives, they would take the following order:

opinion size age colour origin material noun

e.g. I bought a beautiful, big, new, black, Italian, leather handbag.

Here are a few more examples:

  • I slept in an enormous, old, Victorian bed.
  • It was a small, modern, red, brick house.
  • He had an exciting, new business idea.
  • I saw the most magnificent, old, French, marble statue.
  • He wore a pair of ugly, old, brown, rubber sandals.



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