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Elementare - Determinativi indefiniti: Some e Any

Lunedì, 01 Giugno 2009
Would you like some biscuits? Would you like some biscuits? Designed by Freepik

Lezione di grammatica inglese online per studenti di livello elementare - Una spiegazione degli aggettivi indefiniti 'some' e 'any' con audio ed esercizi stampabili.

We use the indefinite determiner 'some' in the positive forms, when we are not interested in the exact number of a quantity.

  • They have some friends in Milan.
  • There are some good restaurants in the area.
  • There are some trees in the garden.
  • We need some money.

We use the indefinite determiner 'any' in question and negative forms, when we are not interested in the exact number of a quantity.

  • We don't have any money.
  • There aren't any people.
  • Are there any interesting books in the library?
  • Are there any letters for me?

We always use the indefinite determiners 'some' and 'any' with plural nouns.

N.B. - We can use some to ask for and offer things.

  • Would you like some biscuits?
  • Can I have some tea?
  • Would you like some ice cream?


Some and Any English Power (C) 2010
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published in Determiners
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