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Elementare - Verbo essere

Lunedì, 08 Giugno 2009
He is happy. He is happy. Man image created by Asier_relampagoestudio - Freepik.com

Lezione di grammatica inglese online per studenti di livello elementare - Una spiegazione del verbo 'to be' con audio ed esercizi stampabili.

The verb 'to be' is an exception. It is the most irregular verb in English and has its own rules for the Negative and Question form.


I am happy.
He/She/It is



Positive - Contracted Form

I 'm from Italy.
He/She/It 's




I am not 23 years old.
He/She/It is not


are not

Negative - Contracted Form

I 'm not sad.
He/She/It isn't



Question Form

For the creation of the question form we invert the verb and the subject.

Am I Russian?
Is He/She/It
Are We/You/They

Short Answers

Yes, I am. (not Yes, I'm)
Yes, you are. (not Yes, you're)
Yes, he/she/it is (not Yes, he/she/it's)
Yes, we are (not Yes, we're)
Yes, they are (not Yes, they're)

No, I am not. or No I'm not.
No, you are not or No, you're not or No, you aren't
No, he/she/it is not or No he/she/it's not. or No, he/she/it isn't.
No, we are not.or No, we're not. or No, we aren't.
No, they are not. or No, they're not. or No, they aren't.


To be English Power (C) 2010
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