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Lettura graduata - Intermedio - Giugno 2015

Giovedì, 25 Giugno 2015
Lettura graduata - Intermedio - Giugno 2015 Court No.1, Wimbledon, 2004 by Alexander Smotrov. This image is in the public domain

 Il Campionato di Wimbledon

Il Campionato di Wimbledon è spesso chiamato semplicemente Wimbledon. E' il più antico torneo di tennis del mondo, e molti lo vedono come anche il più importante. Per saperne di più, leggete la lettura graduata a livello intermedio di questo mese. 

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 The Wimbledon Championships

The Wimbledon Championships are held at the All London Club in London, England.

The first tournament took place in July 1877. 22 players competed in the Men's Singles tournament, which was won by Spencer Gore. The tournament now includes four more events: the Ladies' Singles, Men's DoublesLadies' Doubles and Mixed Doubles competitions.

The Wimbledon Championships take place in June and July every year. Competitors play their matches on grass tennis courts, and Centre Court (the tennis court where the biggest matches are played) now has a roof which is used when it rains.

There are many traditions that the Wimbledon Championships are known for. Members of the Royal Family attend the tournament every year, and there are rules about what the players can wear. Some people watch the tournament from seats beside the tennis courts, while some watch on big television screens on a hill nearby. At Wimbledon, it is traditional to eat strawberries and cream, and to drink Pimms: a traditional English drink.

The Wimbledon Championships - Comprehension Questions

1. Where are The Wimbledon Championships held?

2. When was the first Wimbledon tournament?

3. How many players took part in the first Wimbledon tournament?

 The Wimbledon Championships - Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. Where are The Wimbledon Championships held?

The Wimbledon Championships are held at the All London Club in London, England.

2. When was the first Wimbledon tournament?

The first tournament took place in July 1877.

3. How many players took part in the first Wimbledon tournament?

22 players took part in the first Wimbledon tournament.

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published in June 2015
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