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Lettura graduata - Pre-intermedio - Febbraio 2015

Martedì, 13 Gennaio 2015
Lettura graduata - Pre-intermedio - Febbraio 2015 “Creative Commons London telephone box” by Crystian Cruz is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Hai voglia di una pinta di birra a Londra?

Pub storici a Londra? Guarda la nostra selezione di pub storici per un tour dei pub di Londra nella lettura graduata a livello pre-intermedio di questo mese.

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Historical pubs in London

Old Bell Tavern, Fleet Street

Built in the 1670s by Sir Christopher Wren, the Old Bell Tavern was made for builders who were working on his Church of St Bride's after the Great Fire of London. The church is next to the pub. It attracted people who worked in the newspaper industry, who wrote in the pub. The front has stained-glass windows and stone floors, and it has a medieval feel to it.

The Seven Stars, Carey Street

The Seven Stars pub survived the Great Fire of London and is over four centuries old. It is located behind the Royal Courts of Justice and attracts lawyers and their clients who want to celebrate. It is a small pub with a good selection of real ales.

The French House, Soho

The first landlord of The French House was a German man called Herr Schmidt, funnily enough. He was deported after the first World War. The pub became a meeting place in World War II, for the members of the French ResistanceGeneral de Gaulle was one of these. It is traditional, and has no television and doesn't allow mobile phones.

The Star Tavern, Belgravia

People like actor Peter O'Toole and director Alexander Korda visited this pub. It is well-known for being the place where the Great Train Robbers met to discuss their plans to attack the Mail service in 1963. Bruce Reynolds, the ringleader, drove there in an Aston Martin to talk about the details.

Historical pubs in London- Comprehension Questions

1. Who was the leader of the Great Train Robbers?

2. The Great Fire of London affected which pubs?

3. Who met in The French House?

 Historical pubs in London- Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. Who was the leader of the Great Train Robbers?

Bruce Reynolds

2. The Great Fire of London affected which pubs?

Old Bell Tavern and The Seven Stars

3. Who met in The French House?

Members of the French resistance, including General de Gaulle

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published in Febbraio 2015
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 13:56


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