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Lettura graduata - Pre-intermedio - Gennaio 2015

Venerdì, 19 Dicembre 2014
Lettura graduata - Pre-intermedio - Gennaio 2015 “Creative Commons Visa hell” by John Barker is licensed under CC BY 2.0

L'esame per la cittadinanza britannica

Se siete interessati ad ottenere la cittadinanza britannica, dovete superare il 'test 'Life in the UK'. Per saperne di più sulll'esame per la cittadinanza britannica, leggete la lettura graduata a livello pre-intermedio di questo mese.

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The UK citizenship exam

The 'Life in the UK' test is taken by people aged between 18-65 who wish to become a UK citizen. However, some people may have already passed a test during their settlement application and so they do not need to pass this exam.

The Life in the UK' test is made up of a variety of questions. There are questions on subjects such as the UK's: laws, history, traditions and customs. Since October 2013, there has also been an English language test as part of the exam. At the time the language section of the exam was introduced, the Minister for Immigration hoped it would help people integrate into British society. People who want to take the test can prepare online or by reading the UK government handbook.

A mark of 75% in needed to pass the UK citizenship exam. A letter will be sent in the post to your address saying whether or not you passed your test. This letter is very important and it is proof of your pass. When you make for your settlement or citizenship application it is necessary to include the proof of your exam pass. It is not possible to get a replacement test pass notification letter so it is important to look after it!

For those people that fail the exam, they must wait seven days before they can take it again. If you want to take the exam again, it is necessary to book and pay for it again.

The UK citizenship exam- Comprehension Questions

1. What mark is needed to pass the exam?

2. You need to pay for every test you take.


3. What was it that the Minister for Immigration hoped would help people integrate into British society?

 The UK citizenship exam- Comprehension Questions and answers

1. What mark is needed to pass the exam?


2. You need to pay for every test you take - true or false?


3. What was it that the Minister for Immigration hoped would help people integrate into British society?

An English language test

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published in Gennaio 2015
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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 14 Febbraio 2018 13:57


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