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Lettura graduata - Elementare - Settembre 2014

Mercoledì, 23 Luglio 2014
Lettura graduata - Elementare - Settembre 2014 Creative Commons Fresh Fish and Chips by Fiona Wilkinson is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Cosa mangiano nel Regno Unito?

Che cibo mangiano nel Regno Unito? Per saperne di più sulla cucina britannica, leggete la lettura graduata a livello elementare di questo mese.

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Food in the UK

People in the UK eat food from all over the world. They also have traditional food that began in the UK. Some dishes have strange names, like Bubble and Squeak. Bubble and Squeak is a dish of fried cabbage and potatoes.

In the UK, people traditionally eat a roast dinner on a Sunday. This is a dish of roast meat, roast potatoes, vegetables and a sauce called gravy. Some families will eat their roast dinner at home, and others will visit a restaurant.

Another traditional dish is bangers and mash. Bangers is another word for sausages, and mash is mashed potato. This is normally eaten with gravy.

People in the UK will sometimes buy hot food at a restaurant to take home and eat. Fish and chips are often taken home hot to eat instead of being cooked at home. The fish is covered in flour and egg and fried in lard, and is eaten with fried potato chips. The chips are often covered with salt and vinegar. Fish and chips is traditionally eaten at the seaside, but is also popular at home.

Different regions of the UK have their own traditional foods, and some foods are only made in certain regions.

Food in the UK - Comprehension Questions

1. What is bangers and mash?

2. What is fish served with for a traditional UK dish?

3. When do people normally eat a roast dinner?

 Food in the UK - Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. What is bangers and mash?

Sausages and mashed potatoes

2. What is fish served with for a traditional UK dish?

Fish is served with chips

3. When do people normally eat a roast dinner?

People normally eat a roast dinner on a Sunday

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published in Settembre 2014
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