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¿Cuántos sabes sobre los Beatles? - Answers

Jueves, 20 Abril 2017
How much do you know about the Beatles? How much do you know about the Beatles? This image by photovicky in Pixabay is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

¿Cuántos sabes sobre los Beatles? Averígualo con esta lectura de nivel preintermedio. 

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How much do you know about the Beatles? - Comprehension questions and answers

1. What were  the ‘Fab Four’ called before they became the Beatles?

The Quarrymen

2. The Mathew Street club where the Beatles played is called ....

The Cavern

3. How many songs did the Beatles write in their 8 year history?

Over 200 songs.
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Modificado por última vez en Miércoles, 14 Febrero 2018 11:47