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¿Cuántos sabes sobre los Beatles?

Jueves, 20 Abril 2017
How much do you know about the Beatles? How much do you know about the Beatles? This image by photovicky in Pixabay is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

¿Cuántos sabes sobre los Beatles? Averígualo con esta lectura de nivel preintermedio. 

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Reading comprehension - Pre-intermediate Level

Many people call the Beatles the greatest band in the history of the world – but why is that? Let’s take a look at the facts.

The story began at the Liverpool club called the Casbah.  Here, a group originally called the Quarrymen changed their name to the Beatles and then began to build their reputation in the city of Liverpool.  In 1957, Beatle John Lennon bought his first guitar for £17 (under 20 Euros) at a shop called ‘ Hessy’s ‘ on Liverpool’s Mathew Street. Nearby on this same street was the famous club known as ‘The Cavern’ where the Beatles later played 292 times.  Each time they played, there were long queues of excited fans along Mathew Street.  By this time, John, Paul, George and Ringo were ready to conquer the world.  The ‘Fab Four’, as they were often known,  inspired scenes of mass emotion and hysteria and this soon became known as ‘Beatlemania’.  By April 1964, the band had hits at number one, two, three, four and five in the American music charts all at the same time!  In Canada, they had 9 records in the Top 10.  The Beatles had become a huge success in the American pop market and they had also established Liverpool as the pop music capital of the world.  The band’s fame created a whole story around the City of Liverpool with songs about real places there, such as Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields.  

Look at what the Beatles left us: in a recording life that lasted just 8 years, the Beatles gave us 22 singles, 10 albums and wrote over 200 great songs. They are the best-selling band in history, with estimated sales of over 600 million records worldwide.  In fact, the Beatles are now more popular than ever.  The four young men who grew up in Liverpool have become world-famous icons. The  Beatles’ records still sell in huge numbers and new, younger generations of Beatles’ fans continue to discover  the songs.  The music and words still inspire young people today!  

How much do you know about the Beatles? - Comprehension questions

1. What were  the ‘Fab Four’ called before they became the Beatles?

2. The Mathew Street club where the Beatles played is called ....

3. How many songs did the Beatles write in their 8 year history?

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