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Elemental- Sustantivos contables e incontables

Lunes, 08 Junio 2009
How many books are in the library? How many books are in the library? People image created by Pressfoto - Freepik.com

Lecciones de gramática inglesa online para estudiantes de nivel elemental-una explicación de los sustantivos contables e incontables con ejercicios para imprimir.

1) Countable nouns are for things we can count.

a table
a flower
a boat

two tables
two flowers
two boats

2) Uncountable nouns are for the things we can not count.

  • sugar
  • rice
  • bread
  • water

3) Uncountable nouns are also used for abstract nouns.They are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form.

  • beauty
  • love
  • knowledge
  • money
  • happiness

Uncountable nouns do not take a/an before them. To express a quantity of one of these nouns, we use the expressions: some, a bit of, a piece of, a lot of...

A- Have you got any money in your wallet?
B- Yes, I think I've got some money...

4)We use How much...? with uncountable nouns.
A- How much rice is there?
B- There isn't much rice.

We use How many...? with countable nouns.
A- How many books are in the library?
B- There aren't many books.

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