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Elemental- Futuro

Lunes, 08 Junio 2009
An explanation of different ways to express future with printable exercises An explanation of different ways to express future with printable exercises Business image created by Creativeart - Freepik.com

Lecciones de gramática inglesa online para estudiantes de nivel elemental- una explicación de las diferentes maneras de expresar el futuro con ejercicios para imprimir.


Will spontaneous intentions/ requests made at the moment of speaking
Going to plans/intentions made before the moment of speaking
Present Continuous fixed appointments/ plans
Present Simple timetables/ usual appointments


  • I'll give you my phone number.
  • She will carry your suitcase.
  • Will you come at the party?
  • We'll buy some hot dogs for dinner.

Going to

  • I'm going to stay at home this evening.
  • How long are they going to stay in Amsterdam?
  • I'm going to make a cake for dinner.
  • When are you going to arrive?

Present Continuous

  • She's meeting Mr. Mason next Friday.
  • What are they doing this evening?
  • I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow.
  • He's visiting an important client next week.

Present Simple

  • The number 37 bus arrives at ten o'clock.
  • The film starts at half past two.
  • We usually have breakfast at eight thirty.
  • The train departs at twenty to three.
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