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Elemental- El verbo to have

Lunes, 08 Junio 2009
She has a dog She has a dog This image by pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Lecciones de gramática inglesa online para estudiantes de nivel elemental- introducción del verbo "to have" con explicación en audio y ejercicios para imprimir.


I have a dog.
He/ She/ It has

We/ You/ They



I don't have (do not have) a car.
He/ She/ It doesn't have (does not have)

We/ You/ They

don't have (do not have)


Do I have the keys?
Does He/ She/ It have
Do We/ You/ They have

Negative and question forms need the auxiliary verb 'do'.

In this case the auxiliary verb 'do/does' doesn't have any meaning.


To have English Power (C) 2010
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Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 25 Septiembre 2017 12:32

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