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Presente perfecto vs pasado perfecto - Reglas y ejercicios de nivel intermedio

Viernes, 04 Diciembre 2009
Example of present perfect vs past perfect: We weren't hungry. We'd just had lunch. Example of present perfect vs past perfect: We weren't hungry. We'd just had lunch. This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

 Un resumen sobre las diferencias de uso entre el presente perfecto y el pasado perfecto. Incluye las reglas que necesitas saber para utilizar estos tiempos verbales, con ejemplos y ejercicios sencillos. Esta lección online de gramática inglesa está dirigida a estudiantes de nivel intermedio.

Present Perfect

We use the Present Perfect Simple for an action or a state that began in the past and is connected with the present i.e. The action still continuous now or there is a result in the present from the action.
• The house is dirty. They haven't cleaned it for weeks.
• We aren't hungry. We've just had lunch.

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show an action or a state that started in the past and has continued up until now with duration.

• I hope the bus comes soon. I've been waiting for 25 minutes.

• She's out of breath. She has been running .

Past Perfect

We use the Past Perfect Simple to express a completed action in the past before another action in the past.
• The house was dirty. They hadn't cleaned it for weeks.
• We weren't hungry. We'd just had lunch.

We use the Past Perfect Continuous for emphasizes a duration of an action which happened before another in the past.

• At last the bus came. I'd been waiting for 25 minutes.

• She was out of breath. She had been running.

- The Past Perfect Continuous gives past activities time and duration.

- In the Present Perfect Continuous the action began in the past and continues to the present.

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published in El pasado perfecto
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Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 05 Febrero 2017 22:43

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