I 50 Phrasal Verbs più comuni in Inglese: Esercizio 1
Scritto da Barbara WadsworthGiovedì, 12 Settembre 2019

Completa le frasi usando uno dei phrasal verbs nella forma corretta.

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look back
set off
carry on
turn down
put up with
find out
give up
carry out
1. I’m sure we will all __________ on this holiday with great pleasure.
2. The fireworks must be stored safely if you want to avoid _____ them _____ accidentally.
3. We can’t ________ if you won’t cooperate.
4. He was offered a new job but he ________ it ______.
5. We moved house because we couldn’t ________ from our neighbours any longer.
6. He had to leave when his boss _________ what he had been doing.
7. I ______ playing football a long time ago because of a knee injury.
8. There have been a number of robberies, but up to now the police don’t know who ______ them ____.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 03 Ottobre 2019 15:17