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Esercizio 1- Must, should or have to?

Martedì, 14 Aprile 2015
Esempio di should, must e have to: I must let the cat get tired Esempio di should, must e have to: I must let the cat get tired This image by Bre Sartori is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Cambia queste frasi dall'affermativo al negativo o vice versa:

e.g. ‘I should eat these ribs quickly’ diventa ‘I shouldn’t eat these ribs quickly’

  1. We should have worn big shoes.
  2. I must let the cat get tired.
  3. We have to find our way home in the dark.
  4. I have to work on Sunday.
  5. You must smoke in this corridor.We must complete all of our studying before the big exam.
  6. We have to go to school on Saturday to collect our exam results.
  7. Dinosaurs had to spend most of the say in the sunlight.
  8. You should have listened to what your grandfather said, now we are lost.
Letto 12280 volte
Ultima modifica il Domenica, 02 Aprile 2017 22:14


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