Esercizio 1- can, could, may or might?
Scritto da Barbara WadsworthSabato, 28 Marzo 2015

Scegli la parola giusta tra quelle in parentesi per completare le seguenti frasi:

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- They (can/might) ________________ be gone for the next two weeks, but they haven’t told anyone.
- You (may/might)________________ go home at this time as there is nothing left to do.
- (Could/May) ________________you open the door for me, please?
- She (can/could) ________________ be from Mexico, judging from the hat she is wearing.
- (May/Can) ________________ you wash the dishes?You (couldn't/might not________________ run in the corridor after being told not to.
- Next week (can/could) ________________ see the arrival of some sunshine, at last.
- You (can/might) ________________ be correct, but I saw the answers in a book earlier today.
- They (can't/may not) ________________ be dancing in the streets at this hour!
- I (couldn't/might not) ________________ live in a high radiation zone because of the laws.
Once you have come up with the answers to these questions, attempt to create your own series of sentences using an example of each of the different words involved in this article, Can, Could, May and Might.
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 18 Aprile 2017 10:31