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Present Perfect Continuous - Esercizi

Venerdì, 11 Marzo 2016
Esempio di present perfect continuous: Some monkeys are climbing a tree. Have they been looking for a banana? Esempio di present perfect continuous: Some monkeys are climbing a tree. Have they been looking for a banana? This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Usa le informazioni fornite per creare una domanda per ogni situazione.

Per esempio, if Mark looks sunburnt, usa (you / sit in the sun) e chiedi, "Have you been sitting in the sun?"

Sharon looks tired. (you / do exercise)

Barney looks ill. (you / take some medicine)

Jack is asleep. (he / dance at a party)

Iris is typing. (she / write a letter)

Some monkeys are climbing a tree. (they / look for a banana)

We are talking. (we / chat for a long time)

Ted looks sad. (he / cry)

Letto 5274 volte
Ultima modifica il Domenica, 02 Aprile 2017 22:23


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