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Proposizioni relative con ‘Whose’, ‘Whom’, e ‘Where’ - Esercizio 2

Domenica, 19 Febbraio 2017
The restaurant where she usually dines is closed. The restaurant where she usually dines is closed. This image by stock.tookapic.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Completa alcune di queste frasi con il pronome relativo appropriat: ‘whose’, ‘whom’, or ‘where’.

He knew the family ________________ house we purchased.

The man ________________ we met on the street is my grandfather.

The restaurant ________________ she usually dines is closed.

The girl ________________ book I borrowed wants it back.

The neighbourhood ________________ I live is lovely.

Letto 4164 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 08 Maggio 2017 13:50


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