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Esercizio - Present continuous

Venerdì, 30 Ottobre 2015
Present continuous: People are studying different subjects in the library. Present continuous: People are studying different subjects in the library. This image by Tamás Mészáros is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Esercizi sul present continuous

Completa le seguenti frasi usando il present continuous:

• He ________ ______________ a convertible car at the moment (drive)

• Mary ________ ______________ to school (not/go)

• They ________ ______________  books to the children in the library (read)

• People _________ ______________  the building now because of the fire (leave)

• Somebody ________  ______________ at the door (knock)

• Where ________ they ______________ ?(go)

• Everybody ________ ______________ for you outside (wait)

Letto 6987 volte
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 18 Aprile 2017 10:44


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