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Like e as - Esercizio 1

Martedì, 25 Ottobre 2016
During her last shift at work as a refuse collector... During her last shift at work as a refuse collector... This image by piercarloabate is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Per verificare la tua conoscenza, completa il testo qui sotto. Nella maggior parte degli spazi, devi scegliere tra 'as o 'like' ma in uno di questi entrambi possono essere usati. Sai dire qual è?

“During her last shift working ________________ a refuse collector, she had worked ________________ a dog all day. When she arrived home her cat was as hungry ________________ a bear and so was she. Luckily her sausages tasted ________________ good as they always did and she slept ________________ a baby until morning. She awoke early ________________ she had the day the before, but didn’t get up for some time.”

Letto 6471 volte
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 18 Aprile 2017 10:27


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