Like e as - Esercizio 1
Scritto da Barbara WadsworthMartedì, 25 Ottobre 2016

Per verificare la tua conoscenza, completa il testo qui sotto. Nella maggior parte degli spazi, devi scegliere tra 'as o 'like' ma in uno di questi entrambi possono essere usati. Sai dire qual è?

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“During her last shift working ________________ a refuse collector, she had worked ________________ a dog all day. When she arrived home her cat was as hungry ________________ a bear and so was she. Luckily her sausages tasted ________________ good as they always did and she slept ________________ a baby until morning. She awoke early ________________ she had the day the before, but didn’t get up for some time.”
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 18 Aprile 2017 10:27