Past Simple vs Past Continuous - Esercizio 1
Scritto da Barbara WadsworthGiovedì, 04 Febbraio 2016

Inserisci i verbi nella loro forma corretta (sia past continuous sia past simple) nelle seguenti frasi.
Per esempio, per il verbo "walk":
‘Because it was dark, I ……….. home quickly.’
Answer: ‘Because it was dark, I walked home quickly.’
In questo caso, si è usato il verbo al past simple.

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When we ______________ (see) Jane, the children ______________(jump) on the bouncy castle.
I … (be) scared but I ______________ (fly) on the aeroplane to Spain.
When the letter ______________ (arrive), I______________ (cook) dinner for my wife.
I ______________ (want) to be a dancer, when I ______________ (be) young.
How fast ______________ (you/drive), when you ______________(have) the accident?
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 18 Aprile 2017 10:55