Pronomi riflessivi: myself, yourself, themselves - Esercizio 1
Scritto da Barbara WadsworthDomenica, 09 Luglio 2017

Completa le frasi con un pronome riflessivo solo quando necessario.

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Jake read quietly to ____. (=Jake read to Jake)
I am going to wash the car _____. (=I wash the car)
Jenny sent a copy to ____. (=Jenny sent a copy to Jenny)
The cat ate by ______. (=The cat ate on its own)
Jessica likes to dress _____. (=Jessica likes to dress Jessica)
Mark bought a book for _____. (=Mark bought a book for Mark)
Eleanor looked at _____. (=Eleanor looked at Eleanor)
Tina and Dani scared _____. (=Tina and Dani scared Tina and Dani)
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 13 Luglio 2017 09:48