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Wish e forme collegate - esercizio 1

Martedì, 26 Giugno 2018
An unhappy man Wishes and related forms: I'm feeling really lonely... Designed by Freepik

Unisci l'inizio delle frasi con la fine delle frasi.

1. My brother isn't talking to me...

2. I don't like taking the bus...

3. I can't speak another language...

4. I'm feeling hungry...

5. It's raining...

6. I didn't enjoy my holiday...

7. I didn't get the job...

8. I'm feeling really lonely...


a. I wish my best friend lived closer

b. I wish I'd gone somewhere hotter

c. I wish I had an umbrella

d. I wish I hadn't been crossed with him

e. I wish I'd prepared better for the interview

f. I wish I'd eaten my breakfast

g. I wish I could drive a car

h. I wish I could speak French and Spanish

Letto 4575 volte
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 03 Luglio 2018 11:27