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First conditional - esercizio 1

Venerdì, 18 Dicembre 2015
Esmpio di first conditional:  If we go sailing this summer, we will go to France Esmpio di first conditional: If we go sailing this summer, we will go to France This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Esercizio sul First conditional

Completa gli spazi con la forma corretta dei verbi in parentesi:

1.If I _________________(get) sunburned, I _________________(feel) very sore.
2.If she _________________(forget) her hat, you _________________(remind) her to collect it.
3.If we _________________(go) sailing this summer, we _________________ (go to) France
4.If you _________________(not/get up) early, I _________________(miss) the carnival.
5.If you _________________(get back) late, I _________________(be) angry.
6.If we _________________(not/see) each other tomorrow, we _________________(see) each other next week.
7.If he _________________(come), I _________________(be) surprised.
8.If we _________________ (wait) here, we_________________ (be) late.
9.If the weather_________________ (not improve), we_________________ (not have) any crops.
10.If you _________________(not/want) to go to the cinema, we _________________(watch) television at home instead.
11.We _________________(stay) in Paris if we_________________ (travel) to France.
12.They _________________(go) to the park if their friend _________________(come) to stay.
13.I _________________(be late) if the train _________________(not/arrive).
14.She _________________(not / get) better if she _________________(not / practice).
15.He _________________(do) the washing up if you _________________(dry) the dishes.
16.They _________________(go on) holiday if they _________________(arrange) it in time.
17._________________(not) be late if it _________________(be) your first appointment.
18.I _________________(take) a taxi if I _________________(catch) one.
19.I _________________(not / come) if I _________________(know) he's going.
20.If you _________________(receive) a present, you _________________(write) a thank you letter.

Letto 6970 volte
Ultima modifica il Domenica, 02 Aprile 2017 22:32


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