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Un confronto dei quattro tipi di condizionale o if-clauses - Esercizio 2

Venerdì, 08 Gennaio 2016
Esempio di condizionale: if a shape has three sides it is a triangle Esempio di condizionale: if a shape has three sides it is a triangle This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Unisci l'inizio con la fine delle seguenti frasi.

If a shape has three sides, it...
If Matthew eats too much tomorrow, he...
If I could live in any building, I...
If I had rested more yesterday, I...
If you drop an egg, it...
If it is sunny next week, I...
If I could meet any person from history, I...
If Peter had sold his car last week, he...
If dogs go into water, they...
If Sarah meets me next Friday, I...
If I could read your mind, I...
If I had passed the interview, I...
If a tree catches fire, it...


...will be ill.
...is a triangle.
...would have got the job.
...would know your thoughts.
...will tell her about my holiday.
...would have been less tired.
...would choose Big Ben. (For Elena: link to our graded reader on Big Ben - Graded Reading - Pre-intermediate - May 2014)
...would meet Joan of Arc.
...will go to the zoo.
..would have been able to use the money to buy a new one.

Letto 4968 volte
Ultima modifica il Domenica, 02 Aprile 2017 22:31


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