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Esercizio 1 - Still, yet e already

Lunedì, 02 Giugno 2014
Esempio di still, yet e already: I still think about the city. Esempio di still, yet e already: I still think about the city. This image by unsplash.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti di livello intermedio - still, yet e already. Indica quale delle seguenti frasi non sono grammaticalmente corrette.

  1. I still think about the city.
  2. I don’t already want to meet you at the bar.
  3. There is still time to walk to the station.
  4. The rain has started yet.
  5. It has been a long time but you are still good at football.
  6. There is yet an organisation to help you with your mortgages.
  7. The only people here are those who are still browsing.
  8. Has the wind stopped still?
  9. Are you worried about the big test yet?
  10. There has been many years since the last match but they are winning yet.
  11. We have spent years finding the right route, yet we haven’t arrived any quicker.
  12. What are the customer yet doing here?
  13. Why haven’t we found a cure still?
  14. The last time you fell, you were still a child.
  15. Try to find the best menu which is yet available to all of the diners.
  16. You should only go there if you are already going in that direction.
Letto 7183 volte
Ultima modifica il Domenica, 02 Aprile 2017 22:15


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