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Esercizio 2 - First Condizional

Lunedì, 26 Aprile 2010
Example: If the weather is good tomorrow, we go / will go for a picnic. Example: If the weather is good tomorrow, we go / will go for a picnic. https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/friends-eating-healthy-food_863201.htm

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul first conditional. Scegli la forma corretta del verbo per ogni frase.

1) If I pass / will pass the exam, I will be very happy.

2) You won't / don't learn anything if you don't listen.

3) If you call me before lunch, I will let / let you know.

4) You get / will get a cold if you don't take your jacket.

5) If the weather is good tomorrow, we go / will go for a picnic.

5) If the train will arrive / arrives on time, I will be there for 5.30.

6) Your insurance will cost / costs more if you crash your car.

7) If you feel ill, go / will go to bed early.

8) What will you do / do you do if you get lost?

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Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 02 Aprile 2018 21:31