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Esercizio 2 - Esperssioni di tempo

Venerdì, 04 Settembre 2009
Example: We usually play football _______________ Saturday. Example: We usually play football _______________ Saturday. This image by KeithJJ is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sulle preposizioni di luogo. Metti la giusta preposizione negli spazi.

1) My sister was born _______________  4 March.

2) We usually play football _______________ Saturday.

3) The shop close _______________ seven o'clock.

4) I usually go to the mountain _______________ winter.

5) I don't usually work _______________ the week end.

6) I started this website _______________ 2005.

7) I start work _______________ 8 o'clock every day.

8) My father's birthday is _______________ Friday.

9) I'm going to London _______________ June.

10) Today the lesson starts _______________ 10 o'clock.

Letto 20125 volte
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 03 Maggio 2018 13:33