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Esercizio 2 - A , an, some o any?

Giovedì, 13 Agosto 2009
Example: Would you like ________________ orange juice? Example: Would you like ________________ orange juice? Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sui nomi numerabili e non numerabili. Metti a, an, some o any negli spazi.

1) Would you like ________________ orange juice?

2) I usually have ________________ biscuits and ________________ cup of coffee for breakfast.

3) May I have ________________ bread?

4) Are there ________________ books?

5) Do you want ________________ cigarette?

6) She always has ________________ apple for lunch.

7) Could I have ________________ stamps, please?

8) There is ________________ ice cream in the fridge.

9) I don't have ________________ sugar.

10) Can you give me ________________ money, please?

Letto 22081 volte
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 03 Maggio 2018 13:47