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Esercizio 1 - Positivo e negativo

Giovedì, 13 Agosto 2009
Young man playing tennis. Positive and negative: Tom _______________ tennis when he was young. (play) Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul passato remoto. Completa le frasi con il verbo corretto.

1) I _______________ Spanish at school, but I _______________ French. (study / not study)

2) Tom  _______________ tennis when he was young. (play)

3) I  _______________ to Los Angeles last week. (not go)

4) Yesterday I  _______________ the photos of my holiday to my sister. (show)

5) My mother  _______________ born in 1950. (is)

6) Susan  _______________ the tickets for the cinema yesterday. (not book)

7) My father  _______________ in a restaurant for 5 years. (work)

8) The concert  _______________ at 10 o'clock last night. (start)

9) We _______________ to the disco last night. (not go)

10) My father _______________ his car yesterday morning. (wash)

Letto 15753 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2018 16:03