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Esercizio 1 - Dal presente al passato

Giovedì, 13 Agosto 2009
Woman yawning. From Present to Past: I’m tired Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul passato remoto del verbo 'to be'. Completa le frasi dal presente al passato.

Present simple Past simple

1) I'm tired.                                       1) I _______________ tired last week.

2) Today is Friday.                              2) Yesterday _______________ Thursday.

3) Where are you now?                        3) Where _______________ you yesterday?

4) He is in Berlin this month.                 4) He _______________ in Italy last month.

5) My mother is a doctor.                      5) My grandmother _______________ a doctor too.

6) It isn't open now.                              6) It _______________ open this morning.

7) We are in London today.                     7) We _______________ in Liverpool yesterday

8) Why aren't you at school today?          8) Why _______________ you at school yesterday?

9) Today is my birthday.                       9) Yesterday _______________ my daugther's birthday.

10) She is very happy today.                 10) She _______________ sad yesterday.

Letto 13164 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2018 16:07