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Phrasal verbs: Esercizio 1

Venerdì, 07 Giugno 2019
team at work Phrasal verbs: Don’t (put me off), I’m trying to finish this report. Business photo created by katemangostar - www.freepik.com

Scegli il giusto phrasal verb per completare le frasi

Think over
Bank on
Set off
Put me off
Ran in to
Pull up

Jake is __________ his options.

You can ___________ Stephanie to make the delivery.

When you open this door, it __________ an alarm.

Don’t ___________, I’m trying to finish this report.

David __________ an old friend last Saturday.

The car ______________ outside the old church.


Letto 5018 volte
Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 07 Giugno 2019 20:21