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Esercizio 4 - Attivo o Passivo?

Venerdì, 02 Luglio 2010
Jeans ________________ (invent) in the United States by Levi Strauss in 1872.  Jeans ________________ (invent) in the United States by Levi Strauss in 1872.  Designed by Freepik

Esercizio online di grammatica inglese per studenti di livello elementare - il passivo. Completa il testo con i verbi in parentesi nel tempo corretto, attivo o passivo.

Jeans ________________ (invent) in the United States by Levi Strauss in 1872. Jeans ________________ (be) a type of pants made from heavy, strong cotton material called denim. In the late 1800s, they ________________ (wear) by workers.
The word 'jeans' ________________ (come) from the French name of the city in Italy where a strong cotton fabric ________________ (make). The Italian city's name, Genoa, ________________ (spell) 'jene' in Middle English and 'Gênes' in the French language. In the 1950s, jeans ________________ (become) a popular fashion for teenagers and young adults.
Today Jeans ________________ (wear) in many countries around the world and they ________________ (make) in many styles and colours. Now, jeans ________________ (be) a very popular type of pants. Historic brands ________________ (include) Levi's, Lee and Wrangler. Jeans ________________ (come) in various types. Lately, a new range of snowboard-related jeans ________________ (be) introduced by Levis.  Jeans ________________ (be) the symbol of American cultural influence in the world.

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Ultima modifica il Martedì, 06 Febbraio 2018 13:37