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Esercizio 1 - Should

Venerdì, 18 Giugno 2010
Example: She _______________ so much. It's not good for her health. (smoke) Example: She _______________ so much. It's not good for her health. (smoke) Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul verbo modale 'should'. Completa le frasi con il verbo modale should.

1) She _______________ so much. It's not good for her health. (smoke)

2) When you go to London, you _______________ Westminster Palace. (visit)

3) Peter's got a very bad cold. I think he ________________ to bed. (go)

4) You _______________ the new James Bond movie. It's great! (see)

5)) They are very stressed. They  ________________ so much. (work)

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Ultima modifica il Martedì, 20 Febbraio 2018 09:48