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Esercizio 3 - Present simple or Past simple?

Giovedì, 13 Agosto 2009
Girls jumping on the beach Present simple or Past simple?: Today it _______________ rain, but yesterday the weather _______________ beautiful. Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul passato remoto di alcuni verbi regolari. Completa le frasi con la forma presente o passata del verbo be.

1) The homework _______________ very difficult last week.

2) Today _______________ Sunday, so yesterday _______________ Saturday.

3) Tom _______________ born in England, but his parents _______________ born in America.

4) A - Hi! _______________ your sister at home?
B - No, she _______________. She _______________ here this afternoon, but now she _______________ at restaurant.

5) Today it _______________ rain, but yesterday the weather _______________ beautiful.

6) My parents _______________ married when I _______________ five.

7) Albert Einstein _______________ a great scientist.

8) Sean Connery _______________ my favourite actor, Clark Gable _______________ the favorite actor of my mother.

9) My sunglasses _______________ on the table this morning, where _______________ they now?

10) I _______________ very tired today, I _______________ at the disco last night.

Letto 14983 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2018 16:05


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