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Esercizio 1- Il Passivo

Mercoledì, 28 Aprile 2010

Example: The house / paint / last week.     (past)
Example: The house / paint / last week. (past) Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul passivo. Completa le frasi seguenti con la forma corretta del verbo alla forma passiva.

1) The office / clean / every Monday.   (present)

2) The dishes / wash / by Tom.         (present)

3) Stamps / sell / in a post office.     (present)

4) When / this bridge / build?         (past)

5) This house / build / 80 years ago.    (past)

6) Butter / make / from milk.         (present)

7) When / the radio / invent?         (past)

8) The house / paint / last week.     (past)

9) The letter / write / by a secretary.    (present)

10) How / this word / pronounce?         (present)

Letto 14160 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 02 Aprile 2018 21:20


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