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Esercizio 1 - Futuro

Sabato, 01 Agosto 2009
I think we'll buy / we're going to buy some sandwich for lunch. I think we'll buy / we're going to buy some sandwich for lunch. Food image created by Pressfoto - Freepik.com

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sul futuro. Sottolinea la forma corretta del verbo.

1) A - What are doing for lunch?
B - I think we'll buy / we're going to buy some sandwich for lunch.

2) John is coming for dinner tomorrow. I'm going to make / I make a cake for dessert.

3) I see from the cinema listings that the film starts / is going to start at half past five.

4) She's visiting / she will visit an important client next week.

5) I'll give / I'm going to give you my phone number.

6) She will carry / she's going to carry your suitcase.

7) Looking at the timetable, the train is going to depart / departs at twenty to three.

8) She's going to stay / she stays at home this evening.

9) A - My husband's parent's are visiting us.
B - How long will they stay / are they going to stay?

10) We usually have / we're usually going to have dinner at eight o'clock.

11) What are they doing / do they do this evening?

12) He will meet / He's meeting Mr. Smith next Monday.

Letto 14744 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 24 Luglio 2017 09:16


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