Esercizio 1 - Question Word
Scritto da Stephanie Davidson
Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sull'uso delle question word. Completa le domande con la question word giusta.

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How many Where Who What (x3) How long Why Which When |
1) _______________ did the band Beatles form?
In 1958.
2) _______________ people were in the band?
4 people.
3) _______________ were they?
John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
4) _______________ did they come from?
England, Liverpool.
5) _______________ member of the band was the most famous?
John Lennon.
6) _______________ did they stay together?
From 1958 to 1970.
7) _______________ did they stop playing together?
Because the stress and the fame became too much for them.
8) _______________ did they do after 1970?
They started their own solo careers.
9) _______________ happened in 1980?
John Lennon was murdered.
10) _______________ sort of music did they play?
Popular music.
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 31 Luglio 2017 15:40