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Esercizio 1- Somebody, anybody, nobody

Venerdì, 13 Novembre 2009
Does _______________ want to go to the cinema? Does _______________ want to go to the cinema? People image created by Kues1 - Freepik.com

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sui determinativi. Metti il determinativo corretto negli spazi.

1) There is ________________ at the door.

2) Does _______________ want to go to the cinema?

3) He left the room without saying ________________.

4) Tom lives ________________ in the south of German.

5) I'd like _________________ to eat.

6) They didn't go ________________ last Saturday.

7) I have ________________ more to say to you.

8) A- Where did you put my English book?
B- ________________ in the kitchen.

9) Susan doesn't know ________________ in Paris.

10) There is _________________ in the classroom.

Letto 24956 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 24 Luglio 2017 09:40


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