Esercizio 2 - Too/Enough
Scritto da Stephanie DavidsonVenerdì, 25 Giugno 2010

Esercizio online di grammatica inglese per studenti a livello elementare sull'uso degli avverbi 'too' and 'enough'. Completa le frasi usando too o enough e la parola in parentesi.

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1) I can't work today. It's ______________. (hot)
2) Tom didn't win the race because his car wasn't ______________. (fast)
3) I'll have to finish it on Friday because I don't have ______________.(time)
4) I can't do this exercise because it's ______________. (too)
5) It's impossible to study in my house because it's ______________. (noisy)
6) Have you got ______________ to buy a new car? (money)
7) I can't drink this coffee because it's ______________ for me. (strong)
8) Have we got ______________ in the fridge? (milk)
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 03 Luglio 2017 10:34