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Esercizio 1 - Too or enough?

Venerdì, 18 Giugno 2010
 We haven't got enough time to take holiday this year. We haven't got enough time to take holiday this year. People image created by Pressfoto - Freepik.com

Esercizio online di grammatica inglese per studenti a livello elementare sull'uso degli avverbi 'too' and 'enough'. Completa le frasi usando too o enough e le parole in parentesi.

1) The test is _______________ for students to do. (difficult)

2) We haven't got _________________ to take holiday this year. (time)

3) He didn't take the job because the salary was _______________. (low)

4) They shouldn't get married yet. They not _______________. (old)

5) She bought the jacket because it wasn't _______________ for her. (expensive)

6) The students didn't work _______________. (hard)

Letto 17335 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 03 Luglio 2017 10:31


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