Esercizio 1 - Too or enough?
Scritto da Stephanie DavidsonVenerdì, 18 Giugno 2010

Esercizio online di grammatica inglese per studenti a livello elementare sull'uso degli avverbi 'too' and 'enough'. Completa le frasi usando too o enough e le parole in parentesi.

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1) The test is _______________ for students to do. (difficult)
2) We haven't got _________________ to take holiday this year. (time)
3) He didn't take the job because the salary was _______________. (low)
4) They shouldn't get married yet. They not _______________. (old)
5) She bought the jacket because it wasn't _______________ for her. (expensive)
6) The students didn't work _______________. (hard)
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 03 Luglio 2017 10:31