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Esercizio 2 - Ed or -ing?

Venerdì, 04 Settembre 2009
Example: I'm _______________ about tomorrow Example: I'm _______________ about tomorrow Designed by Freepik

Esercizio di grammatica inglese on-line per studenti del livello elementare sugli aggettivi. Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi del box sopra.


interesting     excited     exciting     boring     bored     worried     surprising     interested     surprised     annoying


1) What kind of programs are you watching? It is _______________?

2) I heard some _______________ news.

3) What time did you get home last night? I was very _______________ about you.

4) I'm _______________ about tomorrow.

5) I don't want to go to the match. I'm not _______________ in football.

6) This was an _______________ film.

7) I don't want to read a book. Books are _______________.

8) She's _______________ about the lesson.

9) He was ______________ to see Angelina Jolie.

10) Noisy mobile phone can be _______________.

Letto 22566 volte
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 03 Maggio 2018 13:36


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