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Inversione - Esercizio 1

Domenica, 05 Novembre 2017
Such __________ that his opponent fell to the canvas. Such __________ that his opponent fell to the canvas. This image by Skeeze is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Completa le seguenti frasi usando le parole appropriate.

1) Such __________ that his opponent fell to the canvas.

2) In the corner __________ cat.

3) Everything would have been fine __________ remained in one piece.

4) I refuse to eat cabbage and __________ you.

5) So fearful __________ that we boarded ourselves in the bathroom.

6) We fought against the new supermarket for so long. Never __________ surrender.

Letto 16210 volte
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 21 Novembre 2017 14:02