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Preposizioni ‘in, at, on’ – Esercizio 3

Venerdì, 05 Maggio 2017
I always keep some spare ____ ___ my purse in case of emergencies. I always keep some spare ____ ___ my purse in case of emergencies. This image by Gadini is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license


Completa le seguenti frasi con ‘at’, ‘in’, o ‘on’ e la parola o serie di parole più probabili.


I always keep some spare ___ ___ my purse in case of emergencies.

(cash, cats, countries)

I’ll be ___ to Spain ___ August.

(travelling, buying, reading)

Samantha is ___ home ___.

(cooking, fishing, lecturing)

I’m going ___ ___ Sunday.

(skiing, burning, burying)

Matilda ___ ___ the chair.

(sat, slept, scrubbed)

Diana enjoyed some ___ ___ the weekend.

(retail therapy, paying bills, sore feet)

He is ___ football ___ Tuesday night.

(eating, playing, viewing)

Letto 7382 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 08 Maggio 2017 14:02