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Elementare - Singolare e Plurale

Lunedì, 01 Giugno 2009
Flower-flowers Flower-flowers This image by Free-photo from Pixabay is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0)

Lezione di grammatica inglese online per studenti di livello elementare - Una spiegazione dei nomi singolari e plurali con audio ed esercizi stampabili.

1 - Most nouns add -s in the plural.

Singular Plural
book books
flower flowers



2 - If the noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, -x or -ch, add -es.

Singular Plural
bus buses
box boxes
speech speeches
class classes



3 - If the noun ends in a consonant + -y, the -y changes to -ies.

Singular Plural
city cities



4 - If the noun ends in a vowel + -y, the -y doesn't change.

Singular Plural
day days
key keys

5 - Some nouns are irregular. Dictionary show this.

Singular Plural
child children
woman women
person people


Singular and Plural English Power (C) 2010
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