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Matrimoni in Gran Bretagna: le tendenze - Page 2

Giovedì, 30 Maggio 2019
getting married Matrimoni in Gran Bretagna: le tendenze Flower photo created by freepic.diller - www.freepik.com

E' la stagione dei matrimoni! Leggi, nella nostra lettura pre-intermedia, completa ci domande e risposte, tutte le tendenze dei matrimoni in Gran Bretagna

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Wedding Trends in Great Britain:  comprehension questions and answers

1. According to recent figures, how much is the average cost of a wedding in the UK?

1. According to recent figures, how much is the average cost of a wedding in the UK?

2. Nowadays, what is the percentage of weddings totally paid for by the bride’s parents?


3. What is the official title of the person who performs the wedding ceremony if it is not in a church?

The Registrar

4. What is the average age of (a) the bride and (b) the groom on the day of their wedding?

a) 31 years
(b) 32 years


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published in Graded Reading 2019
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Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 30 Maggio 2019 09:10