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Chelsea Flower Show inizierà prossimamente a Londra

Giovedì, 02 Maggio 2019
a lot of flowers Chelsea Flower Show presto in arrivo a Londra Background photo created by denamorado - www.freepik.com

Presto in arrivo - Chelsea Flower Show 21-25 Maggio 2019. Scopri cosa fa di questo appuntamento il migliore in tutta la Gran Bretagna, grazie alla nostra lettura elementare con domande e risposte.

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Graded Reading - Elementary

Every year in May the famous Chelsea Flower Show takes place in London. This is a great show for nature lovers! The five day show includes incredible garden designs, beautiful flower displays and new ideas about plants and gardening. Approximately 157,000 people visit the show each year, including the British Royal Family.

What to look out for

The Show Gardens

The most important things to see are the large Show Gardens. These amazing walk-through gardens are the work of world class designers. The gardens are all different to each other and there is always a surprise or two! This year the show is all about nature and the beauty of the natural world.

The latest news is that the Duchess of Cambridge, wife of Prince William, is one of the designers of the Back to Nature Garden. The Back to Nature Garden is a relaxing place for both children and adults to enjoy together. There is a waterfall, a stream and even a tree house. Other interesting gardens to see are the Donkey Sanctuary (complete with live donkey!) and the futuristic Ikea Food Laboratory. Here, designer Tom Dixon shows us how we can grow food in our towns and cities and help save the planet.

Chelsea's Great Pavillion

This is an indoor area where you can see the colourful flower displays. There are flowers from all over the world. Here we can find our favourite traditional flowers like roses, orchids or lilies. There are also new types of flowers, never seen before. In addition, the Discovery Centre has interesting educational displays. These displays explain the science behind the production of the plants and flowers. We call this science 'horticulture'.

Gardens for Health and Wellbeing

This year the designers show how we can use the positive powers of plants to help with difficult world problems such as climate change and pollution. The designers also show the way gardens can have a relaxing effect on people.


Many people also come to the Chelsea Flower Show to experience delicious food in beautiful surroundings. There are high-class restaurants but also simple cafes as well. Alternatively, visit the Wedgewood tea tasting area. Here you can try a number of speciality teas free of charge, with a wonderful view of the Wedgewood Garden.


The Chelsea Flower Show gives the visitor plenty of opportunities to buy products for the garden or home as well as clothing. There are many original ideas for presents to take back home.


Wikipedia: Chelsea Flower Show. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Flower_Show {accessed 23/04/2019}
Visit London: RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019. Available from: https://www.visitlondon.com/things-to-do/event/18219357-rhs-chelsea-flower-show {Accessed 23/04/2019}
Royal Horticultural Society: RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Available from: https://www.rhs.org.uk/shows-events/rhs-chelsea-flower-show/about-the-rhs-chelsea-flower-show {Accessed 23/04/2019)
Homes and Property Newsletter: RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 Preview: the top gardening trends and must-see gardens coming up at this year's show. Available from: https://www.countryliving.com/uk/homes-interiors/gardens/a25841667/chelsea-flower-show-2019-dates-tickets-show-garden-previews/ {Accessed 23/04/2019}

 Chelsea Flower Show: comprehension questions

1. What are the dates for the Chelsea Flower Show in 2019?
2. What are the most important things to see?
3. What is the name of the science behind the production of plants and flowers?
4. Which garden can you see from the free tea tasting area?

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published in Graded Reading 2019
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